Estate Lots

Beautifully landscaped yards and wide streets abound with a wooded backdrop of native pines and hardwoods. You'll be pleased with the generous size of our estate lots…up to one and a half acres each.

When you tour these quiet neighborhoods you will notice the unique home designs, all under the direction of our architectural review committee. The minimum living area of our single-family homes is 3,000 square feet.

Copeland Woods

The design guidelines of Copeland Woods works to preserve trees that are 6" and greater in diameter so that as houses are built the wooded surroundings are maintained. Copeland Woods promotes individual expression while preserving the harmony and beauty of our wooded areas. We've maintained a distinctive look at Copeland Woods...the best Mother Nature has to offer.

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Saleh Development, Ltd.
Tyler, Texas

Phone: 903-581-7900

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